
Entry-Level Competencies

The Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) for Occupational Students (2020) are designed to measure entry-level competency. Each site should develop site specific objectives in order to help evaluate and monitor the student's progress. As you read through the Fieldwork Performance Evaluation Form (FWPE) try to use this as a guide.

Fundamentals of Practice
Examples of this performance area:

  • Adheres to AOTA Code of Ethics & all federal, state, and facility regulations
  • Adheres to safety regulations
  • Ensures safety of self & others

Basic Tenets
Examples of this performance area:

  • Articulates the values, beliefs, and distinct perspective of the OT profession
  • Articulates the value of the OT profession
  • Articulates the role of the OT practitioners

Evaluation and Screening
Examples of this performance area:

  • Articulate a clear & logical rationale for the evaluation process.
  • Obtains sufficient and necessary information
  • Selects relevant screening & assessment tools
  • Determines the clients profile and occupation performance
  • Evaluates and analyzes client factors & contexts
  • Administers standardized & non standardized assessments & surveys correctly
  • Modifies evaluation procedures
  • Interprets evaluation results
  • Synthesizes & documents the results

Examples of this performance area:

  • Articulates a clear & logical rationale for intervention
  • Establishes an accurate & appropriate client centered plan
  • Uses evidence
  • Selects client-centered & occupation-based interventions
  • Implements client-centered & occupation-based interventions
  • Chooses and if needed, modifies interventions
  • Modifies tasks and/or environment
  • Modifies the intervention plan

Management of OT Services 
Examples of this performance area:

  • Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with OTA's
  • Demonstrate an understanding of costs and funding systems
  • Demonstrate knowledge about the organization
  • Meets productivity level

Communication and Professional Behaviors
Examples of this performance area:

  • Communicates clearly and effectively
  • Produces clear and accurate documentation
  • Collaborates with fieldwork educators
  • Takes responsibility for attaining professional competence
  • Responds constructively to feedback
  • Demonstrates consistent and acceptable work behaviors
  • Demonstrates effective time management
  • Manages relationships effectively
  • Demonstrates respect for diversity factors of others