
ITE Program Requirements

Twelve (12) credit hours are required as follows:
EH 101 - *English Composition I
EH 102 - English Composition II
CA 110 - Public Speaking
CA 275 - Small Group Discussion
AND one of
EH 372 - Technical Writing (W)
EH 373 - Writing in the Professions (W)
The Fine and Performing Arts and The Humanities
Twelve (12) credit hours are required consisting of:
A. CA 110 - Public Speaking
B. One course (3 semester hours) from ARS 101, DRA 110, MUL 101, ARH 100, ARH 103, ARH 123, ARH 240 or ARH 242
C. One course from EH 215, EH 216, EH 225, EH 226, EH 235, or EH 236
D. One additional course (3 semester hours) from Art, Drama, Foreign Languages, Music, Philosophy and Literature
Two courses in the SOCIAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES must be either a Literature sequence from (EH 215-216, EH 225-226, EH 235-236) OR a History sequence from (HY 101-102, HY 135-136)
The Social Sciences
Twelve (12) credit hours are required from the consisting of:
A. One course from HY 101, HY 102, HY 135, OR HY 136 AND
B. Three additional courses (9 semester hours) from the following approved areas: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology
Two courses in the SOCIAL SCIENCES or HUMANITIES must be either a Literature sequence from (EH 215-216, EH 225-226, EH 235-236) OR a History sequence from (HY 101-102, HY 135-136)
The Natural Sciences
Eight (8) credit hours of natural sciences, which must include laboratory experiences, are required from approved areas:
Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, and Geography (GEO 101 and GEO 101L; GEO 102 and GEO 102L)
Mathematics and Statistics
Nine (9) credit hours are required as follows:
      A. One course from
MA 120 - Calculus and Its Applications
MA 125 - Calculus I
MA 267 - Discrete Math
      B. One course from
ST 210 - Statistical Reasoning
BUS 245 - Applied Business Statistics I
     C. One course from
     BUS 255 - Applied Business Statistics II
ST 310 - Statistical Research Techniques
ST 340 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
Core Courses
Thirty-Eight (38) credit hours are required as follows:
CIS 300 - Information Technology in Society
CIS 115 - Beginning Programming
CIS 321 - Data Communications and Networking
CIS 324 - Database Design, Development, & Management
CIS 497 - Senior Capstone
CIS 498 - Senior Seminar
ITE 271 - Introduction to Information Technology
ITE 272 - Systems Architecture
ITE 285 - Intermediate Programming
ITE 370 - Advanced Application Dev
ITE 474 - Human Computer Interface
ITE 475 - IT Project Management
ITE 480 - Needs Assessment and Technology Evaluation (W) AND
ITE 485 - Senior Demonstration Project
ITE Electives
Twenty-one (21) credit hours are required. Students complete one of the following Focus Tracks consisting of twelve (12) hours of specified Focus Track courses and nine (9) hours of approved Information Technology support electives
A. Web Publishing:
ITE 375 - Publishing for the World Wide Web
ITE 482 - Adv Web Development
ITE 453 - Web Site Management
ITE 380 - Multimedia Production
B. Networking:
ITE 382 - Network Administration
ITE 384 - Network Infrastructure Systems
ITE 476 - Network Security Management
ITE 484 - Advanced Network Management
C. Digital Forensics:
ITE 372 - Advanced Operating Systems
ITE 373 - File Systems for Digital Forensics
ITE 473 - Digital Forensics Analysis
CJ 205 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Information Technology Support Electives - Nine (9) credit hours are required. Support electives are designed to further refine and develop a set of focused skills. Support electives require approval of the ITE coordinator.
General Studies Electives
Hours as needed to meet degree and 120 semester-hour-requirements. All General Studies Electives must be approved by the Information Technology Coordinator.
Information Technology Major
Fall Spring
ITE 271 CA 110
CIS 115  ITE 285
EH 101*  CIS 324
MA 120  EH 102
Social Science  Natural Science
  * Students with a sufficient ACT/SAT score in English Composition will not be required to take EH 101.